Getting a good customers engagement on your website daily? Cheers! Your website is quite impressive and people are liking your services. And thereby, you would love to introduce more features to your website. Isn't it? But here comes the problem. The shared hosting package you are using might not have sufficient resources to tackle huge traffic.

At this stage, going for dedicated hosting would simply demand a higher cost for you and would be a total waste of money. VPS hosting is the perfect solution for this. Before I tell you the benefits of VPS hosting, let's learn what is VPS hosting first and then proceed further.

VPS Hosting for Websites

A Virtual Private Server(VPS) is a kind of virtual server created on a single physical server. It is a bit similar to shared hosting as you occupy only some part of the physical server for your website. But the best part of VPS hosting is that it doesn't affect the website performance and speed due to other users activities. And we can even call VPS hosting as mini dedicated hosting. So, here are the top advantages of VPS hosting and why VPS hosting is perfect for growing websites.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Along with satisfying your customers, keeping the budget in mind is equally important. As dedicated hosting costs you a higher price and shared hosting won't meet your website needs. VPS hosting comes up as the perfect hosting package to balance both, cost and resources both. You get a good portion of resources at a lower budget.
  • Complete control: VPS hosting you complete control over your computing environment as it is totally independent of the other VPS hosting accounts which share the same physical server. This means the developers get the full potential to test their applications and run whichever app they wish.
  • Higher capacity: No doubt, VPS is hosted on a physical server, but it is actually a virtual space on the server. And in case the server goes down, VPS can be rebooted to continue the usual operations without any disruptions. Thereby, VPS hosting becomes the perfect solution for businesses who have operations round the clock.
  • No performance drain: In case of shared hosting, if one user is running a heavy application, the other website becomes slow. But VPS has no such problems, each user has a separate zone of resources which don’t get affected by other users operations at all.
  • Enhanced security level: In the case of shared hosting, as one of the VPS account gets infected by malware, there are chances it might get into your account too. Since VPS hosting offers you a separate zone of resources, there are no chances of security getting compromised at any cost.
  • Easy hosting upgrades: One of the best advantages of choosing VPS hosting is- it is easy to upgrade to bigger packages whenever required. There is a wide range of hosting packages to improve speed, performance, memory, and processing power.

Choosing the right vendor for your business

It's time to look beyond the shared resources and switch to VPS hosting services for your website. Getting an ideal webhosting vendor which can help you host your website at the most affordable costs. Still not convinced? Try our affordable VPS hosting plans and drive your business to the whole new level today itself.