The pandemic has led to huge devastation for talent acquisition teams. Everyone is well aware that the future of work would be different, and automation is the key to making the actual difference. From video conferencing to digital collaborations and Talent Management solutions for hiring, the current landscape is becoming the new normal.

Staying adaptive and agile in the current scenario is the key challenge for the recruiters and HR teams. The restrictions in the movement and concern for employee health and well-being have pushed many recruiters to hire candidates based on remote methods.

Let’s glance at the most significant hiring trends in the year 2021 and how they can affect the career path.

1. Virtual Hiring Is Here to Stay

Yes, of course when remote work continues to be a trend, then why not hire remotely? Employees are being sent home and when it comes to hiring recruiters they are hiring on calls while remaining at their location. With the talent management solutions such as jiTalent, there is a seamless hiring process, while the majority of onboarding is facilitated without any movement. As per a survey from LinkedIn, more than 70% of professionals agreed on the fact that the hiring process will become increasingly standard.


The virtual meetings and interviews, not only helps in the well-being of the employee or employers, but also save their time and cost spent on resources.

2. Hiring Internally 

Due to the pandemic, companies are emphasizing hiring internally. There is a decrease in the recruiting budget. Therefore, to cope with the situation employers are focusing on internal mobility programs that help to save their cost, and time and lessen the hiring processes. As per LinkedIn Data, there is around a 20% change in internal mobility.

Also, when you hire employees internally, there are great chances of customer retention, which employers are trying to gain for ages. The internal teams get to learn new things, face challenges in the organization itself, and will never feel the need to quit the job.

Internal hiring benefits both the employees and the employers; by working together, the employers would be able to fulfill their immediate business needs.

3. Expanded Skill Sets

Through challenges, there will be ways to persevere and grasp opportunities for some. The candidates and employers need to increase their awareness and educate themselves, that they must adapt amidst COVID-19.

While adapting to the learning processes, the hiring team must have talent acquisition solutions that could easily fulfill all their hiring needs.

How should a resume look in 2022?

With the digitization of resumes, the trend for digital, error-free, and accurate resumes is in great demand. Resumes have changed significantly as recruiters, HR staff, and other stakeholders embraced digital tools and workflows.

The Future of Recruitment Operations

There is no doubt that recruitment in 2021 has taken a different phase than before. With the evolution, companies are looking for AI-based talent management software that simplifies the process of recruitment, even if you are hiring virtually. Get started with us now!