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Thoughts , Leadership, Insights and Stories from jiWebTech

How To Deliver An Excellent Customer Service At Your Restaurant?

As a restaurant owner, outstanding customer service is the key to be successful. The customer demand is not limited to a delicious meal at the restaurant only, but customer service and experience are equally important. A disappointed cus...

How Can You Remove Hiring Bias During The Recruitment Process?

Every company wants to hire the best talent, retain them and boost their company productivity. Talented employees are assets to the company, and if hiring is done right, the company grows. Therefore, hiring the right candidate is the most crucial...

Digital Signage Software Delivers A Personalized Customer Experience

Whether it is a shopping mall, restaurant, or airport, various interactive kiosks are helping users with better and more effective customer service. The cutting-edge technology offers more interaction with the users and ultimately helps to boost t...

How does Project Management Software boost your Business Efficiency?

Whether you run a small business or a large one, numerous projects, plans, and tasks are involved. The managers have to perform multiple tasks, and they continue to juggle with people, accomplish goals, and assign tasks...

How Talent Management Solutions Help Employers To Retain A Good Employee?

A good employee is an asset to the organization and, losing one is the most terrible thing. Not only, it becomes difficult to replace the candidate, it also the uncertainty about how a new employee will work out. There is no guarantee that the emp...

Why is it vital to upgrade your Talent Management System in 2021?

Technology continues to evolve, and nowadays, there is no space for slow work and productivity. With the constant evolution, have you given a thought to when was the last time you updated your Talent Management software? As per research from Deloi...

How Advertising Solutions Takes Your Marketing Strategy To The Next Level?

Whenever a customer buys a product or service, saving money is their topmost priority. They would always go for the products that offer them discounts no matter what. Therefore, coupons offers and discounts are becoming the most critical tool for...

How does Cloud Hosting Impact the Security of your Web Server?

Migrating from one environment to another like Cloud is now the need of the hour. This is because, with the right web host, you can boost the performance of your website and keeps all your data secured. Is the cloud...

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